
is anxiety keeping you from the life you want?

Is your anxiety making a habit of flaring up at the worst possible moments?

Maybe you are missing out on spending time with friends and loved ones because being around large groups of people makes your heart race.

Maybe your job performance is suffering because you can’t seem to focus on the task at hand.

Maybe you are experiencing intrusive thoughts that are disturbing or downright scary.

Maybe life feels overwhelming because there is this nagging voice in the back of your head saying, “what if this terrible thing happens?” or “I am sure everyone hates me.”

How i can help

Coming to therapy can feel like an intimidating step, and it is an empowering decision to make. Rest assured that once you step through the door, I will be your partner in every step of your journey. There are strategies I can help you practice that you can put into effect right away while we work together to understand the roots of your anxious feelings. Once you are able to see where the anxiety comes from, how it impacts your daily life and what your ideal life would look like, we can develop strategies to turn that ideal into your reality.

According to the National Institute of Health, nearly one third of all Americans will experience anxiety at least once in their lives.

You are not alone in feeling anxious. However, anxiety is sneaky in that when it flares up, it makes us feel incredibly alone and disconnected from others. Our obnoxious or scary thoughts can make us feel that we are the only human who has ever had this fear – I assure you that you are not! Millions of people experience anxiety throughout their lives, and I am one of them. Throughout my journey to understand my own anxiety, I have cultivated a gigantic toolbox of coping skills and strategies that I am passionate about sharing with others.


You may be reading this thinking, “That sounds all well and good, but I have been anxious for so long I don’t think there is anything that can help me.” I understand that concern and when anxiety hangs around for months, years, or decades it can start to feel like a grey cloud above you that will never float away. From within my anxiety coping toolbox, there are unlimited approaches we can try to find one that fits your specific needs. Do you hate talking about yourself or don’t even know where to start? No problem – we can try writing exercises, artistic expression, or mindfulness exercises to get the ball rolling.

Maybe you have never talked about your anxious thoughts before and sitting down with someone to share personal details feels like the scariest thing in the world. That’s understandable! We can start small and develop a relationship and trust before talking about the big stuff. It is helpful for me as your partner in this journey to understand who you are, what you like, what you dislike, and what makes you unique. We will approach this journey at your pace and I will help guide the way.

How i can help

Throughout my career, I have worked with individuals that experienced anxiety in many forms. Some of my past clients struggled with agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), intrusive and obsessive thoughts, social anxiety, imposter syndrome, hypochondria, terminal illness and existential anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and more. We have been able to work as a team to understand what the anxiety looks like, why the anxiety is there, and what strategies they can use to keep anxiety from ruling their lives.

I have even written a children’s book on coping with anxiety based on my lived experience and graduate education. It is titled April, Amy, and Anxiety and is available for Kindle download on Amazon.

what will therapy look like?

Anxiety has a special knack for making us feel alone. When you come to me to begin your therapy journey to overcoming your anxiety, you will have a partner every step of the way that understands where you are coming from and where you are going.

This won’t the type of therapy where we sit across from each other and the only words I say are, “How does that make you feel?” as I nod along.

We will be a team that laughs together, looks at problems from different angles, and co-create an environment in which you can grow and thrive.

The next step

If you feel ready to take the first step in overcoming your anxiety, contact me to schedule a free consultation.

We can work together to figure out if therapy with me would be the right fit for your needs and then get to work to help you live your ideal life without the grey cloud of anxiety hovering over your head.

After all, we are in Seattle and have enough grey clouds hanging around!