Lectures & Workshops


Educational lectures


One of my passions is educating people on what art therapy is and how it can be used for healing.

I have been a guest lecturer at UW Bothell for their Master’s of Nursing students as well as at Bastyr University for their Master’s of Psychology and Counseling students.

If you are interested in booking a lecture or have inquiries regarding my availability as adjunct faculty, please click the button below and send me an email.

Dementia Workshops

I have spent the past 7 years working as a therapist for individuals with dementia and their families.

I understand how chaotic, emotionally challenging, and discouraging receiving a dementia diagnosis can be for families and loved ones.

That is why I have created this 3-part lecture series that addresses some of the most crucial elements of being able to navigate a dementia diagnosis.

This series can be given as 3 separate lectures or as one half-day workshop

The lectures are designed for the caregivers and loved ones of individuals with dementia.

If you are interested in having me lecture in your community, please click the button below and send me an email.